The basic foundation of Healy is based on Becker and Nordenstrom’s theory which states that many dysfunctions, problems, and diseases of the body are caused by reduced cell membrane potential, meaning that the voltage different between the interior of the cell and the exterior is too low. Healthy cells show a membrane potential of around -70 mV or millivolt. Lower voltage potential than this normal physiological level can lead to disturbed cell metabolism and in turn leading to health issues.
Healy is intended to restore cell membrane potential back into this normal and healthy phycological range by exposing the body to weak electrical currents. The electrical currents we are talking about here are very low, somewhere in the range of a few microamperes, it is vital that this currant is administered in the correct form of frequencies. This use of frequencies leads to the therapy also being known as ‘frequency therapy’. The overall basis of Healy devices is on the theories of Nuno Nina, his experience, and his knowledge of which frequencies can be used to treat specific disorders.
Our model assumes that electric frequencies are the ‘cell language’ – think of them like a key which opens the functions and connections of the body. Medically speaking, we say that the cell metabolism and cell division, energy productions of the cell – also called ATP synthesis, and the synthesis of various proteins can all be stimulated by frequency therapy.